Anacortes: Working with those with Disabilites
The Salvation Army in Anacortes has worked with individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities for over 20 years. They have worked closely with service organizations that provide job coach training for individuals with disabilities. These individuals work in the food pantry and in the office, performing tasks that can hopefully be used for permanent employment. One individual has been working in the food pantry for over 20 years and, as a result, gained the skills necessary to get a job at Walgreens without the assistance of a job coach.
Since their arrival in Anacortes, Lieutenants Brett and LaShan Harrison have felt a calling for Disability Ministry. They quickly partnered with other organizations in town assisting Adults with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities and hosted a respite center once a week in their building. They have also named a young man as their Sign-Language Worship Leader, who signs worship songs on the last Sunday of every month. They have now started a Life Skills Club, monthly classes teaching life skills, with the hopes of teaching skills needed for independent living.
They are very excited to see how God is going to work through these individuals at their corps and in their community.